Saturday, December 10, 2011

Red Light! Run, Run!!!

What I am about to write is very much on short notice. 
Most of you must have heard about and seen pictures of a girl attacked allegedly by a jealous obsessive ''boy-friend'' at Lekki. 
I use the word allegedly because, I'm yet to read details in any of the National Dailies and I'm not one to pedal rumours. No names have been involved in the story and no facts yet.
 Nevertheless, let me use this medium to address battery and assault.

Hitting is NEVER cool!

In as much as  I would never blame the victim, women should be careful about the guys they date. There usually is a flash into violent tendencies in a guy prone to such violence. A red light is usually shone at a point but we tend to ignore it or maybe we don't notice it.

I'm going to quote Sasha here. She enlisted 10 red flags ladies should look out for. I'm just gonna quote her through out this (although with some edited typos because she wrote it in an emotional state).

1.   If you can't hang out together without turning it into a fight.
2.   If he is condescending and speaks to you in a manner that makes you feel insecure and  inadequate.
3.   If he has extreme anger issues and compensates with gifts frequently.
4    If he ever pushes you, slaps you, grabs your arms too tight, presses you down "by mistake". One shove is enough.
5.   If you have nothing in common but his money.
6.   If he manipulates you, tries to get you away from your friends, becomes too controlling about what you wear, do, friends you keep.
7.   If you ever cried yourself to sleep with the thought, "He only does this ‘cos he loves me". OR. "What will people think?"
8.   If he has a history of violence in relationships.
9.   Domestic violence is usually learned. If there is a history of such in his family. {Violence in father and or mother}
10. If he ever said to you, "you are nothing without me" or threatened to hurt himself when you tried to leave him.

And finally to everyone, be more observant! ‘’I fell from the stairs’’ is not an excuse in 2011! Dig deeper. Be your  brothers keeper!!!

                                                          culled from!/SashaPofficial

There are no hard and fast rules to it really. But if you feel it isn't right, it might NOT be right. Say no to abusive relationships : physically, verbally. Be safe.
This post does not apply to just females. The female could also be the violent party in the relationship. So please, be cautious.

Below is a graphic picture of the allegedly murdered victim of an abusive relationship. Don't go further if you don't have the stomach for it. May she find rest.



  1. So sad. May her soul RIP.

    I thought you have stepped aside from blogging.

  2. Hi. I'm still working on being around. Thanks for dropping by.

  3. Nice one franni.Am impressed. Stumbled upon your blog from a comment you posted on LIB.And am looking forward to reading more stuff from you(yes,this was your fb status some hours ago)

  4. real red light. people just have to know that love is a choice not a feeling.there will always be that one that truly cares.

  5. Oh yes @ anon 5:31, you got me thereː̗̀☀̤̣̈̇ː̖́ː̗̀☀̤̣̈̇ː̖́thanks for stopping by.
    @anon 11:31, yea. It is an option.
