Two friends and I were conversing and a puzzler came up. We thought and
thought and reasoned and reasoned and mused and mused and then, we gave up and
decided to ask married people...
We ladies love to look good and we almost sacrifice everything for the sake
of vanity.
P/S: I'm not calling wedding gowns vanity but...
I am not going to start from the very top. I’d rather go to the middle and
take it through to the end.
I met a psychopath today!
This dude had been on my case for like forever. Calling me, texting me,
pinging, whatsapp, skype, you name it. I wasn’t interested and so, more often
than not, I ignored the 24/7 harassment. I picked the calls whenever I felt
like it. I hardly called back because the calls were monotonous and rather
rehearsed. (Yeah I have sensitive ears).
Anyways, that an intro to the main gist.